Informative & inspirational events, talks, courses & workshops

From Auction to Action!

Posted:29 November 2015

The Garden House Brighton’s garden is kept in order largely by the Friday Gardening Group a regular group of friends, horticulture students and gardening beginners work together every Friday morning to maintain and develop this very large urban garden, previously a market garden. One of the gardeners, Sharon writes a blog post every week chronicling each week’s highlights, tasks and achievements.


For a complete change of scene, last Friday the group gathered in a different garden – GH friend Barbara had bid at the summer charity auction for the services of the group to work in her garden in Hove for a morning and at the end of November that morning arrived!


Grey, rainy and a bit miserable – but can you imagine, 25 enthusiastic gardeners are yours for a morning, at a critical time of the year when the garden needs to be put to bed – weeding, digging up of old shrubs, pruning and mulching. Five huge green waste bags were filled in a matter of hours, and a ton bag of compost was spread over the beds!


Barbara was thrilled, “it was amazing, such an enthusiastic, hard-working and jolly group, I could hardly believe how much could be achieved in one morning – everyone was brilliant and all fuelled by cake, sausage rolls and soup!


Sharon and Barbara took photos of all the activity a few of the photos are here. To see more photos and follow the gardeners’ weekly exploits, CLICK HERE.






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