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The Friday Gardening Group is enrolling for September 2018

Posted:12 July 2018

Are you looking to learn new skills in horticulture within an energetic and friendly environment? Join the Friday Gardening Group – a fun and supportive team who share knowledge and garden together once a week at the Garden House.

We garden every Friday morning in term time between 9:30 and 13:00 when we share knowledge and tips for a variety of horticultural tasks including vegetable growing, propagation, pruning, landscaping, making structures, looking after a glass house, composting, lawn care and creating borders and other ornamental features in the garden.

We also have a pond, a rockery, soft, cane and top fruit as well as a collection of roses, shrubs and annuals.

This year we are going to focus on a propagation session each week as well as growing cut flowers all year round.

Each session begins with a coffee and a taught session – including plant identifications, tips and demonstrations on how to successfully create a productive and beautiful garden throughout the year. We also look at what is new in horticulture as well as ideas on how to keep the garden alive with changing spaces and new and exciting plants.

The next part of the morning is spent in the garden, working in small groups learning new skills and having lots of fun in the process!

We open the garden for the National Gardens Scheme in the spring and do other events during the year, allowing many other people to enjoy the garden and the fruits of our work.

The Friday Gardening Group is a really great way to learn and share knowledge – it is also a very supportive environment where many good friendships have been formed!

We are looking for people who can commit to coming along on Fridays, as often as possible, hopefully every week – and who are up for getting stuck in! (Being able to bake a cake is not essential, but always welcomed!)

If you are interested please contact us with your contact details and we’ll call you to talk about the course in more detail. 

The cost of the course is £475 per year and includes all the teaching, equipment, coffee and cake each week plus plenty of plants to take home throughout the year.

Look forward to hearing from you,

The Garden House


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